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Unterbewertete Marken-Aktien & Wachstum

Martin Zipfel

 | madn

Last Login: 02/14/2025

Trading idea

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since 9/18/2012

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Trading Idea

Brands have a monetary value which can hardly be precisely assessed. In poorer market phases, they are often underestimated in my opinion because the focus is on short-term factors such as current quarterly payments, dividends, the current price performance and the general market trend. Precisely these facts should be seen as an opportunity in this wikifolio. Because in the long run such securities may often have the potential to increase profits or return to the profit zone. The basis for this may be, for example, customer trust and loyalty, brand competence, brand stability and loyalty, and positive customer experiences. In my opinion, not all of these factors always get taken into account in the price formation. The wikifolio is to invest in individual securities. These should primarily be owners of known brands which are primarily directed to end consumers or enjoy a high level of recognition with them. Generally, a long-term holding period with the best possible return on investment (ROI) is aimed at. The focus should be on Europe and North America here, occasionally securities from Asia or other countries may be bought as well. When buying the corresponding stocks, this should, on principle, be done on a low price-book value ratio. The following strategies are to be pursued when buying stocks: 1.) In weak market phases and in the event of sharp setbacks in prices, primarily stocks of well-known, strong brands should be acquired at relatively low prices. The company name does not always correspond to the brand name here and partly the brands belong to the stock corporations indirectly through subsidiaries. These are very often securities which are listed in known indexes such as the DAX, MDAX or Dow Jones. 2.) Regardless of the current market trend, relatively cheap stocks which are holders of relatively well-known brands (directly or indirectly through subsidiaries) should be researched all the time. Regular and stable payouts to shareholders could be an argument for the buy of a stock as well. 3.) A smaller, variable part (up to about 30%) of the wikifolio should be invested in higher risk positions. These may be companies with medium to high brand recognition which are estimated to be undervalued by me due to significant price slumps (profit warnings etc.) for example. No attention should be paid to current dividend payments with these positions which are riskier but also richer in opportunities in my opinion. When buying stocks, I always plan to explain the related brands by comment if the company name does not match the brand name or one of the brand names. All purchases should aim at long-term capital growth, i.e. sustainable growth, which is why most stocks should generally be kept over the medium to long term. In the event of significant price increases of individual held securities, profits are possibly taken as well. I am concerned with the following questions before a buy of stocks for this wikifolio: 1.) Business model: Does the business model have a future, and is there potential for earning money in the segment or how is the potential for increasing profits? Are there any risks that margins might decrease in the short or long-term? To what degree does the business model depend on economic cycles? 2.) Competition: How is the company doing compared to the competition? Is there a crowding-out competition? Are there competing emerging companies in this segment? Through various watchlists and automatic notifications, I plan to observe the prices of several stock corporations which qualify for a buy on a daily basis. In order to be able to use buy opportunities, I will make sure that I keep a sufficient amount of cash in certain market phases. Various indicators such as the price-book value ratio and the dividend return (past and expected) should also be considered when buying.

This is a non-binding translation of wikifolio.

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