Trendfolge Long/Short Smallcap
| Trendfolge
Last Login: 01/17/2025
Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
This wikifolio “Trend-following Long/Short Smallcap” is intended to trace long and short strategies. The long strategy is to be reflected by investments in stocks. Stocks of German small caps are to be the focus of investments. The selection of individual stocks is to take place on the basis of fundamental analysis (returns and financial analyses). Primarily analysis tools which are also used in the professional business analysis of financial investors (private equity, etc.) should be employed here. The timing of the transactions should be based on technical chart indicators. In particular, the overcoming of resistance or shortfall of supports are to influence the timing of the investments in conjunction with the consideration of moving averages (GD50, GD100, GD200). The intention is to actively manage the wikifolio. Therefore, no buy-and-hold strategy should be carried out, but instead active trading with medium-term holding periods and occasional profits. The average number of stock investments in the wikifolio is to be 3–5. The maximum number of stock investments is not to exceed 10. No stock investments are to be made in falling markets (short strategy) as a rule. The short strategy is to be represented by investments in short ETFs (leveraged and unleveraged). The German stock indices DAX and TecDAX are intended to serve as the basis. The timing of the investments in ETFs is to be conducted according to the same criteria as the timing of stock investments within the long strategy (see above). In order to reduce risks, a strict money management is to be operated. For each transaction, the risk is not to exceed 2.5% of the entire wikifolio.
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