2Stein's Best Platin
| 2Stein
Last Login: 10/16/2024
Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
My trading idea is to follow the wikifolios with the (in my opinion) best performance and replicate their individual trades – regardless of the publication status! The analysis of the best performance may derive from a variety of factors such as number of watchlistings (if not investable) or investment sum as well as the perfomance to date. Particular attention is paid to a stable performance of the underlying wikifolio and that of the trader in general. All trades are to be updated on workdays at the latest by the end of the day. Investment universe: Stocks worldwide with a focus on Germany. As needed, global ETFs with a focus on commodities and DAX (but always without leverage) can be traded as well. The investment horizon is predominantly short-term with a holding period of a few days to a few weeks/months.
This is a non-binding translation of wikifolio.
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